Overcoming The Fear of Being Fabulous
With Judith & Jim

Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous:
33 Keys to Creating Your New Life by Leaving Your Old Stories Behind

By Judith Sherven PhD and James Sniechowski PhD



Whether you struggle with the Imposter Syndrome, negative head talk, stress and anxiety, or any other self-defeating emotions, beliefs, and/or behaviors that deprive you of a fuller, livelier, more fabulous life, this book will help you turn your life around!

Providing 33 practical everyday Keys to leaving old habits behind, this book promises that you can indeed create a fuller, more successful life! Whether it’s learning how to accept praise and compliments without embarrassment or discomfort, or seeing how you deprive yourself whenever you fail to ask for a promotion, being nice versus being honest; and even overcoming The Impostor Syndrome, these 33 Keys to Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous will put you on the road to a new, more expansive life!

And the authors, husband and wife Judith & Jim (Judith Sherven, PhD and Jim Sniechowski, PhD) share a lot about their process of overcoming their fears of living larger lives – so you will not feel alone. Quite the contrary. Judith & Jim’s stories will keep you company and provide deep insights into the process you are about to embark on when you get this book!

Order your copy of Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous right now as an e-book, paperback, or hardback, or in audiobook. Whether you struggle with the Imposter Syndrome, negative head talk, stress and anxiety, or any other self-defeating emotions, beliefs, and/or behaviors that deprive you of a fuller, livelier, more fabulous life, this book will help you turn your life around!

“This book, wonderfully free of psychobabble and every chapter filled with actionable ideas has me pointed in the right direction.”

Anthony Vallarta,

Houston, TX

“It’s like going to a personal counselor with each of the 33 chapters being a different session presenting compelling life-changing questions to face regarding aspects of your life.”
Mary Williams,

Calgary, Canada

“This fabulous book says it all about how early messages consciously and unconsciously have stifled us from being our very best.”
Signe A. Dayhoff, PhD, Author of Best-Seller "Diagonally-Parked in a Parallel Universe"

Placitas, New Mexico

“No more missed opportunities! Shed your psychological straightjacket and become your Fabulous You. The authors’ sharing of their “in the trenches” personal experiences with holding themselves back was very relatable. “If we can do it, you can do it” wasn’t just some motivational pitch, but a strong foundation from which to rebuild my true sense of self. The questions and exercises at the end of each Key opened the Pandora’s Box of my unconscious, filled with contaminated beliefs of myself and the world. Do the exercises, open that box, and liberate yourself to be truly YOU.”
Kelly Cline, PsyD ~ Consciousness Coach,

San Diego, CA

“Finally! Authors who give you a clear idea in the Table of Contents of what you’ll get in each Key. This way I can prioritize what I want to read first. Wonderful to be guided to what I am looking for in my journey of Being Fabulous. In this case, I got what I wanted—clear and precise places to drive into. I can honestly say I already feel more like letting my old worn-out story go. Bravo, Jim, and Judith. Now refer your book to those I know who need what you share.”
Wendy Lucas ~ Realtor,

Va. Beach, VA

“From shrinking violet to expansive Giant Sequoia—this is the journey that master coaches Judith & Jim guide you through. The exercises are an insightful and powerful exploration of learned beliefs that sabotage our ability to fully live true to ourselves. Until we realize the extent of this programming, we aren’t really living. The authors present the many detrimental effects of this programming on various aspects of our lives.

You will see yourself in their examples, but you will also be given the path through to the other side—to your Free and Fabulous Self… “

Roshanda Wright,

New York, NY

“After reading Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous by PhDs Judith Sherven and Jim Sniechowski, I came away with a strong feeling that it is extremely timely, and a must-read for anyone wishing to improve their quality of life. One thing that stood out to me was how personal it felt. Somehow, they knew me and truly cared. It was like having a private session with them.

The topics are far-reaching but easy to understand. I was certainly challenged to examine hidden parts of myself, and how my life has gone thus far. I can’t recommend this powerful book too highly.”

Terry Lawrence ~ MA, Musician, and Educator,

Oceanside, CA

“Trust me that I’m speaking from experience when I suggest that you cannot afford to miss out on Judith and Jim’s Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous teachings. In other words, read digest, and apply these pivotal lessons for your own sake and for those you care about at work and home, in your relationships and business.”
Tom Albertsson ~ Philosopher,

Reykjavik, Iceland

“It is a rare and precious treat to meet and learn from world-class teachers, trainers, and coaches whose lessons are so important and I couldn’t believe how I kept going around in circles, trying essentially to be my parents, and live their unhappy lives as if that was all there was. That wasn’t me but I was afraid and didn’t dare to do anything different … until I discovered this book. What an eye-opener! Thank you for my new life.”
Bob Nelson,

Huntington Beach, California