Welcome to your
Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous
Personal Workshop
You’re Invited . . .
. . . to a personal freedom experience, a real life chance at liberation from your internal barriers, where
Will be what you’re all about . . .
What you will be encouraged and supported to choose, and
How you will be celebrated when you say —
Yes Yes Yes Yes and Yes . . . I Can and I Will !!
Let us share a special real-life story with you
Recently we worked with Sandra (not her real name) to get to the heart of her career frustration.
During our initial phone coaching session she told us that, as an interior designer, she couldn’t get enough work. When she did, she somehow always short-changed herself when bidding for the jobs.
“You know you’re really talented, right?” Judith asked.
“Yeah. I do. That’s not the issue.”
“But asking to be paid what you’re worth,” Judith probed, “you can’t find the courage?”
“I don’t know.” Sandra hesitated, as though trying not to be heard. “It’s like I feel selfish or like I should take care of them somehow and I end up on the short end.”
“Where do your referrals come from?“ Jim asked.
“I have an ad in the local newspaper. . . and I . . . well, I post fliers at my children’s dance class, and their karate class. You know, things like that.”
“So, you keep yourself hidden,” Jim gently pushed. “You keep yourself small. No wonder you can’t ask for the large money you’re worth. You don’t see yourself as large enough to receive it.”
Sandra began to cry.
She confessed that she was even more frustrated by the fact that most of the people she’d gone to college with were very successful and influential and when she saw them at parties or fund raisers she felt even worse about herself.
“It sounds like you come from a fairly influential community,” Judith prodded. “Have you asked for referrals from your friends?”
“No. No. I’d feel like I was begging. I can’t do that. Don’t even go there.”
Shamed and beaten down in her own mind, in her own view of who she could be, Sandra was caught in a vicious, self-fulfilling cycle of shame and fear.
She was experiencing the Fear of Being Fabulous.
And still she wanted so much to be fully alive and thrive in the world.
What Is The Fear of Being Fabulous?
It’s not about what you do
It’s about who you permit yourself to be
Yes, who you permit yourself to be
Take a moment to reflect on the following questions
- What happens when the spotlight is turned on you?
- Do you use any one of a thousand tricks to turn it aside, turn it down, turn it off ?
- Is there something inside that won’t let you simply and honestly take center stage?
- That won’t let you stand in the fullness of who you are
- That won’t let you shine in the brightness of your talents and gifts
The source of the ache that lives inside is
The Fear of Being Fabulous™.
Nothing can quiet that ache except a clear, no-nonsense grasp of the beliefs and images you have about yourself—that set of psychological blocks you are completely loyal to, and you don’t even know it.
But if you’re determined to . . .
It’s essential to understand . . .
- How the root of your unconscious psychological block got started
- How it operates so you can set yourself free
- How you can identify its often murky tell-tale signs and expand your awareness
- How it forbids you from stepping outside of who you’ve been so you can NOW take charge
- What you can do to change and ultimately rid yourself of it without fear and build the life you want
IT’S TIME NOW to Overcome Your Fear of Being Fabulous and set yourself free.
IT’S TIME NOW to stand at the center of who you are, without discomfort or guilt, shame or sin, and recognize what is true and real for you!
How Can We Be So Sure About All This?
How can we be so sure that you can overcome your fear of being fabulous and set yourself free?
Because as a married psychology team we have over 70 years combined experience helping people do just that! We know how much people want to break through their personal barriers. And we know that they can indeed do it and go on and succeed in various areas of their lives.
But even more important, we experienced the Fear of Being Fabulous earlier in our own lives, as you’ll soon discover. We had to recognize that we were in the grip of our unconscious mind and had to consciously work to overcome it. And we did!
We both grew up in households that were very repressive.
JUDITH: My family demanded perfection and punished me when I wasn’t perfect.
And the message was? “Don’t make a move unless you can prove your worth by being perfect.”
AND whatever “perfection” was supposed to be was a moving target so I could never know if I was getting it right. Try forming a Fabulous Sense of Self under those conditions.
Does that sound familiar?
JIM: I came from an environment — my family, church, and neighborhood — that regularly and often brutally crushed desire. When I got excited about something and dared to express my desire, I was cut down with contempt, and I suffered terrible shame.
Try stoking up your fabulousness under that threat.
And how did those beginnings show up in our later lives? We have similar stories:
Long before we met we were both actors.
JUDITH: I was signed by Marty Boehm, one of the top talent agents in Hollywood.
He said, “You know you’re not a major personality yet. To help develop our young actors, we have a free acting class on Monday nights.
I want you to attend. It’ll be really terrific for you.”
Do you think I was there, bright and early, asking for help?
Nooooooo. I never attended. Why? I didn’t want to expose how inadequate I felt.
JIM: I was a member of the acting company at the Loretto Hilton Repertory Theater in St. Louis. At one point I was asked if I wanted to be the Artistic Director. The Artistic Director is the person who plans the seasons and hires the actors and directs some of the shows.
At first I was thrilled. But when I had to let them know what I was going to do, I told them . . . I wasn’t ready.
The truth is I couldn’t allow myself to have that kind of ambition and desire.
Those are just two examples of how The Fear of Being Fabulous sabotaged many of our opportunities.
Did we feel that fear? No. We didn’t. Because we believed the stories we told ourselves. That’s what everybody does.
But we’re past that now. We don’t chase fantasies expecting to be rescued anymore. No more confusion. Instead of looking up to those who have what we wanted, we’ve joined them and have never looked back.
That’s how we can be so sure when we say that you can do what we did, because we know the terrain — inside and out. And now with our one-of-a-kind Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop you CAN find your own freedom too.
Our Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop is a break-through program, as demonstrated by some of our wonderful testimonials below.
It features 12 hours of original content.
“Judith & Jim Are True Wizards”
“Judith & Jim are true wizards at taking you right to the core of what’s been holding you back, no matter what areas of your life, and then guiding you through the release – so you can truly live your Fabulous Life!”
“I Left Wanting More”
“I worked with Judith and Jim to bring their Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous workshop to my organization. They offered insights into the struggle most of us have with embracing our fabulous selves and were very real about their own struggles as well; refreshing when you hear so many people train as if they have completely overcome whatever holds them back.
I left wanting more and also with some very key tools into learning more about myself and my own struggles. I can’t wait to work with them again!”
Open up your life . . . release your creativity . . .
set your ambition free . . . re-ignite your determination . . .
get the results that will set your heart pounding with excitement.
Make everyday a triumph, living the life you dearly desire!
“No Other Program That Can Do …”
“There’s no other program that can do what Judith & Jim’s “Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous” can do. Because they have the psycho-spiritual courage to take you right into the depths of where the only true release can be found.”
What You Can Expect from Our
Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous
Personal Workshop
You can begin to:
- Discover the deep unconscious roots of your Holdbacks – and why they’ve been so powerful
- Recognize the signs and signals of The Fear of Being Fabulous so you can keep from falling into its sticky traps
- Redefine what SUCCESS means to you so you can Succeed Every Day and watch your life take the path you’ve always known was right for you
- Recognize the heart of your liberation and rejoice in all that opens in front of you
- Embrace the Decision that will Lead You to Liberation and Freedom so that every day becomes another step in the fulfillment of your dreams
- Build a Vision of Your Future, your new internal scanner keeping you on track and moving forward
- Refuse to sell yourself short any longer and stop playing small
- Claim your rightful place in the world – that place that expresses who you are in all of your dimensions
- AND … Let Yourself BE Fabulous!
What Does Our
Overcoming The Fear of Being Fabulous
Personal Workshop Do for You?
We’ll let a few of the many men and women who’ve benefitted from the workshop tell you
“Their Workshop Gives You Everything You Need”
“So many people claim they have the secret to set you free, but Judith & Jim have created a personal workshop that actually does set you free – as long as you apply it. While J & J have an amazing track record in what they do, they can’t change your life for you. BUT their workshop gives you everything you need to do what it takes to live a truly fabulous life!”
“Industrial-Strength Penicillin For Fear Of Succeeding!”
“Even though I’m a psychologist, self-presentation expert, and author, I discovered there was something holding me back, keeping me from truly succeeding. Surprise! I was afraid of being ‘fabulous.’
But thanks to Judith and Jim’s brilliant personal workshop, I broke through that five-foot-thick wall of resistance and am now planning and executing profitable projects, and enjoying my many personal and business successes. “Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous” is industrial-strength penicillin for the fear of succeeding!”
“A Personally Proven Way To Go Forward”
“What a treat to experience two professionals with extensive backgrounds in human analysis and who, with honesty and humor, provide a personally proven way to go forward, beyond the blocks and holdbacks other workshops cannot touch. Judith & Jim are a remarkable couple who willingly bring us into their orbit so we can embrace and actually live our fabulous lives!”
“From a Timid 3 Year Mindset To a 90-Day Plan”
“Because of your “Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous” Personal Workshop we realized that fear was holding us back and it resonated in us so deeply that it ignited a fire in us that changed our lives forever. After your program we quickly changed from a timid 3 year mindset and went to a 90-day plan. Yes we said 90 days!! Tina Jo quit her career of 20 years and the Universe shifted! That very evening we found the opportunity we had been searching for. We both continue to be amazed (but not surprised) as to how the Universe reconfigures to help you once you fully commit to your dreams! Thanks again Judith and Jim for helping us dream BIG!”
“Opened a Portal Between Heart & Marketing”
“I love the overwhelming response to what you are creating in the world as “spiritpreneurs.” I really believe in what you are doing and want to help as many people find the pathway to “selling as a spiritual service.” You have indeed opened a portal between the heart and marketing.”
Your Overcoming The Fear of Being Fabulous
Personal Workshop
Leads You to Personal Discoveries and Real Liberation as you work through the following 12 modules
Module #1 – What Is the Fear of Being Fabulous?
This sets the foundation for your understanding. Next we expose the flaw in the idea of positive thinking…
Module #2 – Positive Thinking Is Not Enough!
So you can move past this hidden trap right from the beginning. Then we introduce you to an evolutionary new reality…
Module #3 – There Is No Such Thing As Failure
That’s a fact, and when you get it you can forgive your past and open the way to a new life. Now you’re ready to experience…
Module #4 – Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous
So you can embrace and enjoy your intentions, your actions, and your results. Next you begin to flesh out your vision of what it’s like…
Module #5 – Beyond the Fear of Being Fabulous
Because with a destination, you move forward almost effortlessly. Then you’ll begin to feel what it’s like to experience…
Module #6 – The Freedom to Be Fabulous
Wake up eager to move forward, building your Fabulous Life day-by-day. Freedom is all about love and love is all about freedom, so we’ve included…
Module #7 – The Fear of Being Fabulous in Love
Because life is more than just achievement and success. Life is Love and Love is Life. And finally, you can put it all together as you…
Module #8 – Magnify Your Excellence
Standing at the center of who you are—with confidence, joy, authenticity, a clear vision of where you’re going, proud and humble, caring and compassionate for yourself and others—you’re alive and thriving, living what is deeply true and real for you.
Module #9 – Breaking Through Resistance
In this module you’ll discover the four steps for breaking through any lingering resistance that you
might be experiencing.
- Step One: The Nature of Resistance
- Step Two: Your Inner Saboteur
- Step Three: Activating the Self
- Step Four: Reclaiming Your Life
Module #10 – On Developing Self-Esteem – with
Nathaniel Branden
In case you haven’t heard the name Nathaniel Branden, he’s known world-wide as one of the world- class minds of the twentieth century. As the Father of the Self-Esteem Movement, he’s the author of 20 books, which have been published in 18 languages, selling over 4 million copies.
Module #11 – Overcoming Negative Head Talk
Get rid of those paralyzing negative thoughts that keep you from living the life you want. You know, that voice in your head that keeps whispering—“Who do you think you are?”
Module #12 – Emotional Baggage: Curse or Blessing?
Is emotional baggage a curse? Very often. Why? It lurks in the shadows of your awareness – running your life. And because it’s hidden, that’s what gives emotional baggage its awesome power.
But can emotional baggage be a blessing? Absolutely. Because when you pay attention to the signals that rise up as “baggage” the care and concern you give to those old wounded parts of you will return rewards you haven’t even yet imagined.
And to Enhance your Learning even more you’ll also
receive a Full Transcript of all 12 modules completely FREE
It’s Time to Stop Looking Up To Those Whose Lives You’d Like to Have and
“I learned actual concrete ways to gain control”
“By the end of the conversation I knew I would never again have to fall prey to false beliefs. I had learned actual concrete ways to gain control over my inner demons! Thank you J & J once again for so generously providing a forum for conscious growth.”
“I’m seeing through new eyes”
“I’ve read hundreds of books, but never looked at negative head talk like this before. I’m seeing through “new eyes”. Please put this on cd and sell it. Hundreds if not thousands of people will benefit.”
“What you teach is so real”
“Thanks Judith and Jim. I wasn’t a believer in psychological stuff until I heard you two. You should have your own talk show. What you teach is so real, and it really works.”
It’s Now Your Moment of Action …
Will You Choose the Freedom to be FABULOUS?
The freedom to stand at the center of who you are—with confidence, joy, authenticity, a clear vision of where you’re going, proud and humble, caring and compassionate for yourself and others, alive and thriving, living what is deeply true and real for you.
We’ve made this entire 12 module workshop available at far less than just one hour of private coaching with us…
Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous …………. Normally $297 NOW only $129
complete with your Free Transcript of all 12 modules
Why the discount?
To celebrate making our workshop available as a downloadable 12 module mp3 package.
And We’ve Made Your Decision Risk Free…
You Have Our Full 90 Day Guarantee
You must be completely delighted with our program or we will refund the full purchase price. All you have to do is let us know.
IT’S TIME NOW to Invest in YOUR Future
Order the Instantly Downloadable mp3s, Normally $297, now for only $129…
Includes your Free 12 Module Transcript
“The First Time “
“I’ve listened to many teleseminars and usually hang up early, and certainly never buy into their offers at the end. Your offer was the first time. I will share the info with my staff at Samaritan Counseling & Education Center in Colorado Springs, where I am the Director of Counseling. Thanks again!”
If You’re Still Not Sure, You Have to Ask Yourself . . .
What old internal block is in my way?
What belief, fear, resistance, or demeaning voice am I giving in to right now?
Because either you’ve got everything in your life taken care of, or some old programming is definitely running your decision.
So join the hundreds of men and women who’ve had their lives transformed by Overcoming The Fear of Being Fabulous and enjoy a freedom you cannot yet even imagine.
Because It’s All in the Connection,
PS — About Sandra — once she understood the source of her Fear of Being Fabulous she made a deep decision to change her life. And she did. Today she is well paid, has as much work as she can handle, is respected among her peers, and enjoys her life. Recently she sent us a holiday card, and in it she wrote:
“It’s as if I live in a brand new world, it’s all the result of what you showed me. That’s what made me new. There’s no way to thank you for setting me free”.
Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous is available in downloadable mp3 audio files. Includes your Free Transcripts.
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.