Overcoming The Fear of Being Fabulous
With Judith & Jim

Who are you really? And what is not the REAL you?

Many people associate the unconscious with forbidden feelings. Perhaps sexual, perhaps rageful, or anything else that’s considered forbidden. But we prefer to look at what went into your mind to help create The Fear Of Being Fabulous before you were old enough to evaluate what is actually true for you – who you really are – and what is not the real you.

That’s why J & J devote this podcast to helping you explore the power of the unconscious and how it can be controlling you without your awareness or understanding.

And The Double Js will also give you some useful tips to help you weed out unconscious prohibitions that are holding you back!

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Ep. 133 ~ The Power of the Unconscious ~ TRANSCRIPT


What is buried deep in your unconscious? Really! What all is buried in your unconscious that is holding you back, keeping you stuck, making your life less fulfilling, even FAR less fulfilling than it could be?


Now you may be thinking …. OK here comes the psycho-babble. I’m going to stop listening to those two shrinkheads!


BUT WAIT ….. what if that’s your unconscious making sure you don’t change, that you never leave behind what is holding you back? What if that’s your Fear of Being Fabulous yelling at you to be loyal and well behaved?


If we have your attention – even just a little bit – BRAVO!

Hi I’m Judith Sherven and I’m Jim Sniechowski


And we welcome you to another of our Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Podcasts. Our topic today is “The Power of The Unconscious”


Today we invite you to take an inventory of what may be holding you back that you‘re not even aware of, that is causing you to struggle with the Fear of Being Fabulous!


Now, many people associate the unconscious with forbidden feelings. Perhaps sexual, perhaps rageful, or anything else that’s considered forbidden. But we prefer to look at what went into your mind to help create The Fear Of Being Fabulous BEFORE you were old enough to evaluate what is actually true for you—who you really are—and what is actually NOT true for you.


That’s why we devote this podcast to helping you explore the power of the unconscious and how it can be controlling you without your awareness or understanding.


First, we want to provide two ways of understanding the Unconscious Mind. One way is to picture—in your imagination—an iceberg. The part you can see, the part that sticks up above the water, is a very small part, only about 10 percent of the total iceberg – and that represents your conscious mind, that part of your mind that is listening to us right now.


Then just below the surface is what we call the Subconscious Mind. This is only about 15 percent of the total iceberg. You’re not consciously aware of what’s there now—but if we ask you what you ate for breakfast, or what you’re working on at work, or what day of the week you do your laundry—you’ll be able to come up with that information right away.


But the very largest part of the iceberg, waaaay down below the surface is the Unconscious, making up approximately 75% of the entire iceberg—75% of your psyche. While it’s taking care of everything from your heart beating to your hair growing, we’re only concerned with the power of what entered into your unconscious when you were a young person—before the age of 7.  And how all of that effected how you’ve thought about yourself and your life ever since. That buried mental training that limits you is the second part of how we want you to understand the power of the unconscious.


Because as developmental psychologists understand, a child’s brain is not developed enough to provide logical or operational thought until about ages 7–11. For the first time, the child’s brain can begin to evaluate, to judge, to compare, to work things out internally in their head.


So, think about it! Up until you were between the ages of 7 and 11 you weren’t able – your brain wasn’t able – to evaluate what you were being taught, what you were experiencing, and who you were being told you were!  So there were many Unconscious Loyalties and Prohibitions being formed in your unconscious mind week after week, month after month, year after year— that you could do nothing to evaluate and perhaps reject.


In other podcasts, we give you useful tips for what to watch for to help you weed out unconscious prohibitions against living a much larger life. But here and now, we encourage you to pay attention to how Unconscious Loyalties have been operating in your life.


To do that we recommend you create a check list of areas in your life where you currently feel stuck and frustrated.


In order to gain more clarity, and open up your awareness of how Unconscious elements are playing out in your life….. start with your earliest memories, whether they’re about family, friends, school, in your neighborhood, in church of some kind, etc.

It might start out something like Judith’s:


  • I can’t remember hardly anything about my life until 5th grade when I was ten.
  • I didn’t have any friends except the neighbor girls next door and across the street. They were just handy—not kids I had consciously chosen to be friends with.
  • I felt like an outcast in Junior High even though my home room elected me to Student Government in 7th grade.


On the other hand, it could be more like Jim’s:


  • I never fit into my neighborhood and never had good friends until college.
  • By seven years old, I’d become depressed and withdrawn–seemingly trying to escape from the hollow world I was born into.
  • By high school I was such a misfit that I spent most of my class time staring out the window.


OK, now, keep tracking your own history, writing out when you’ve felt stuck, frustrated, and alone. Perhaps you’ll realize some areas of your life that were somehow blinded by false beliefs. Notice how you feel emotionally while you do it.


And if you want to explore more deeply and help yourself recover from the Fear of Being Fabulous at a faster pace be sure to check out our program Overcoming The Fear Of Being Fabulous—at OvercomingTheFearOfBeingFabulous.com

It has provided the doorway to a much larger, more successful and loving life for many people around the world.


With that, we look forward to the next time, as we continue supporting you to overcome the fear of being fabulous!