Overcoming The Fear of Being Fabulous
With Judith & Jim

How Much Do You Allow Yourself To Want?

It’s our personal and professional experience that most people do – at least from time to time, if not most of the time. Certainly we’ve both felt the drag of depression, the annoyance of anxiety, the uncertainty of living on this planet.

Not only do those feelings undermine your self-confidence, they seriously limit what you can allow yourself to want for your life. That’s why we are committed to helping you expand how much you can allow yourself to want – now – and going forward in your life!

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Ep.115 ~ Do You Allow Yourself To Want? ~ TRANSCRIPT


Do you struggle with depression, anxiety, or some other form of self-doubt?


It’s our personal and professional experience that most people do—at least from time to time, if not most of the time. Certainly we’ve both felt the drag of depression, the annoyance of anxiety, the uncertainty of living on this planet.


Not only do those feelings undermine your self-confidence, they seriously limit what you can allow yourself to want for your life.

Hi, I’m Judith Sherven and I’m Jim Sniechowski


We’re better known as Judith & Jim and we’re both PhD psychologists. We’re pleased to provide for you our bite-sized podcasts on “Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous.”


And since the topic today is “How Much Do You Allow Yourself To Want?” – it’s important that you understand, if you didn’t pick this up on previous podcasts, that many, many years ago – before we’d ever met each other – we were both professional actors.


Quite successful at that. And yet, neither of us could allow ourselves to want anything more than our daily work. Neither of us grew up in homes where ideas like “ambition” and “career” were mentioned in the family conversations. In fact, neither of us ever heard those ideas talked about – ever – by our parents or other relatives. Consequently, we both walked away from our professional acting work.


So today our intention is to inspire you to want more for yourself….to free up your self- image and your self- talk, to dream bigger, to imagine a larger role in your life, to want more!


Perhaps you’ve never even thought about what you want from and for your life. After all, some people are blessed by being raised by parents who are involved in pursuing their ambitions. They grow up hearing about achievement, whether it’s

  • in business
  • entertainment
  • medicine
  • the arts
  • education
  • technology
  • you name it!


They are exposed to what’s possible – both in self-expression and in financial abundance. Consequently, they are raised to be able to desire large, fulfilling professional and personal lives.


What about you? How has the financial and work life environment you were raised within influenced how you live and work today? And it’s not just your financial and work life desires we want to address….


What were relationships like in the home you grew up in – whether your immediate care-takers, their friends, or relatives — what did you learn about wanting and being available for strong, loving, enjoyable, and fun relationships?


And then there’s health and fitness, recreation, vacations, and play. Any area of your life can be stunted, unconsciously, by how you were raised and what you took in as “normal.”


So, as you continue listening, what comes to mind where you feel some lack, some frustration, some anxiety or depression? It can be about anything. Anything you’ve not been allowed to fully want. The important thing is to begin to notice.


As soon as you consciously notice any sense of lack or frustration then you are on solid footing to begin wrestling with what’s been holding you back from wanting more and going after it.


What has created your fear of being fabulous in this area of your life? Often it’s what we call “The Love Grip”—when your love for the people who raised you holds you in unconscious bondage to their ways, their desires for you, NOT what you want for yourself on your own terms.


Another way to look at examining what has held you back from wanting more, is to look closely at what you believe you would lose if you were to want more than your parents ever had, or different from anything they could relate to.


Bring to mind something you could want if you were free to do so, that would take your life far away from what your parents could understand or approve of. Perhaps you currently live in London, and your secret lifelong dream is to learn Spanish, move to Costa Rica, open your own hotel and cater to large international weddings.


We know that example will only fit a tiny group of people, but that’s the point. Often what any individual may deeply want is particularly unique. And therefore not easily understood by others, much less members of their family of origin. The key point is – they want it. And their self-doubt hampers their ability to go after it.


So please remember that your life belongs to you – to only you. Yes, your parents brought you on to the planet. And they gave you what they had to give. But your life is yours. Your desires are yours. Your dreams are yours. Unless you give away that authority over your life.


Yes, that is the key take-away we’re hoping you have from listening to us – that no one else has authority over your life – unless you give it to them.


So as we wrap up this topic for now: How can you best magnify your excellence? What do you truly want to do with your life? How can you consciously, no matter the negative back-chatter in your mind, follow your greatest dreams?


Okay—as you focus on answering these questions, we emphasize that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Your life belongs to you. What you want for your life belongs to you.


So – how much can you allow yourself to WANT for yourself – for the rest of your life!?


We’ll leave you to chew on that question, and look forward to being with you next time.


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