Overcoming The Fear of Being Fabulous
With Judith & Jim

How do you experience gratitude?

You may be asking yourself — what does Gratitude have to do with Overcoming The Fear Of Being Fabulous? You might even think you have lots of frustrations so what’s to be grateful for?

But that may be one of the issues that keeps holding you back! You may be so focused on what you don’t have that you forget to pay attention to all that you DO have.

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “like attracts like” — and it’s true! Whether it’s in friendships, romantic relationships, career opportunities — like does attract like. And gratitude really does attract more to be grateful for!

So today we’re going to explore the power of gratitude to help you overcome the fear of being fabulous.

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Ep.126 ~ Gratitude ~ TRANSCRIPT


How do you experience gratitude? You may be asking yourself — what does Gratitude have to do with Overcoming The Fear Of Being Fabulous? You might even think you have lots of frustrations so what’s to be grateful for?


But that may be one of the issues that keeps holding you back! You may be so focused on what you don’t have that you forget to pay attention to all that you DO have.


Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “like attracts like” — and it’s true! Whether it’s in friendships, romantic relationships, career opportunities — like does attract like.


So today we’re going to explore the power of gratitude to help you overcome the fear of being fabulous.

Hi I’m Judith Sherven and I’m Jim Sniechowski


As you may well know, we are a married PhD psychology team, and executive coaches for primarily tech companies around the world.


And what we’ve seen with so many corporate leaders we’ve worked with is their difficulty with owning, truly owning, and being grateful for, all of their gifts and accomplishments.


Here are just a couple of examples: a senior engineering manager and leader who was fixated on being “only self-taught.” He’d taught himself to code when he was 10 and never went to college. He told us he was chronically intimidated by colleagues who held degrees, especially PhDs from prestigious institutions like Harvard, Stanford, or IIT—the Indian Institutes of Technology in India.


We had to help him own, really own how remarkable his self-taught engineering skills were AND that he’d risen in the ranks to be a senior leader in the company — without any advanced education — and to OWN THAT.


Then there was a female, born in China, who came to the United States for college; served an internship between junior and senior year at a major tech company; and the company snapped her up with a contract to start work as soon as she graduated. Yet four years and two promotions later she still found it difficult to speak up at meetings, telling herself she lacked a broad base of knowledge having only ever worked for one company. Do you see the pattern?


We had to help her understand how her very particular background and experiences gave value to her voice, her point of view, and that she was cheating the company, and herself, by staying silent at meetings.


Countless people who have manifested success with multiple promotions, handsome incomes, and what any outsider would say is impressive success find themselves undermined by negative thinking that obliterates the power of their true competencies, their actual advantages, their real success in the world.


So, very often we have to help them claim, and live within, their actual and very real successes. AND be grateful every day for the advantages they bring to their careers, their relationships, their lives.


So we ask you—what are the top five blessings of your life today?


We’ll start with five, to make it easy for you.


How are you blessed health-wise? Even if you struggle with one or more issues, what about the healthy aspects of your life – your teeth, your vision, your hearing, your ability to walk, your ability to talk and so forth. Write or type up all the ways you ARE healthy.


How are you blessed in relationships? Think about all of your friends, any siblings and/or other relatives that you may be close with. How about people where you work and/or volunteer and/or in your neighborhood who clearly like you and with whom you spend time. And if you are in a committed romantic relationship, think of all the ways your life is enhanced by being with that person and how that person cares for you.


Take stock of all the ways your work enhances your life — make a list. Of course there’s your income, health insurance if it’s covered, and what about self-expression, respect from colleagues, fun and productive team and/or company events, ongoing learning, and on and on. Please don’t take any of it for granted.


And the same thing for finances—your savings, investments, and all other valuables you’ve accumulated in your life — jewelry, cars, art work, expensive hobbies, you name it.


And for the fifth area of gratitude — what are at least three ways YOU are unique — elements of being you that truly bless your life and others who know you.


For instance, I am an excellent and gifted writer. I have no problem urging you to read my first two autobiographical, award winning novels “Worship Of Hollow Gods” and “An Ambition To Belong” – both available in audiobook, kindle, and paperback on Amazon.  And as you can see, I’ve become much better at self-promotion over the years (laugh).


I’m a very good conversationalist. Not just in social situations, but in our executive coaching I can be humorous, deeply serious, sensitively spiritual, I know I’m available across the board so our coaching work gives me great joy and long-term reward.


Now – to help you gain traction in moving forward in your life — in whatever ways you desire — take a minimum of 5 minutes each day to be grateful. To write or speak out loud your gratitude for all the blessings you enjoy.


Feel the gratitude, feel the fullness, feel your ownership of who you really are! Yes, who you REALLY ARE!


Do you have challenges in your life – of course! You’re human.


But that’s no reason to bring yourself down with fears and dread that get you stopped in your tracks.


Remember who you are. Who you really are!


That’s right! Stay focused on what you desire, what you want more of, what you want to achieve. And go for it — sustaining your confidence and your intentions by remembering all that you have to be grateful for!


Until the next time! And stay grateful!